Welcome to Foundation Matters Store!

Access our interactive tools and other merchandise.  Along with our inventory, we run affordable holiday camps at Pine Lake for children and young people of all backgrounds to enjoy fun activities and learn about the message of the Bible!


No need to wait for the postman, access our downloadables instantly. View our wide range of options

Bible Picture Sets

Perfect for any ministry! These resources can be used in church ministry, schools work and missions abroad.


Make your visit to Pine Lake Visit more memorable by purchasing our branded clothes

Gospel Leaflets

Spread the word with our gospel leaflets. Different pack sizes and different subjects covered.


Watch our teachings on DVD – look through our collection and get them delivered to your door


View our range of videos

Other Resources

Our other resources consist of a mixture of story packs, 3D story packs, computer software and other resources.

Christmas cards

Foundation Matters Christmas cards with different designs for the festive period.

Latest Products

The Pride of Man


A Privileged People


What is Faith?


Only One Way


The Wages of Sin


The Wonder of Creation


The Lost Parable Bundle


The Rich Fool
